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Project and manufacture of complete systems and equipment for receiving, processing and preparation of the wood to pulp, panelboard, biomass and sawmill industry. Demuth also offers  projects in EPC solutions based on its  experienced engineering and management team.



Demuth has an automatic production line to steel structures manufacturing  integrated with the most modern detailing engineering softwares allowing Demuth to offer to the market competitive prices, quality and on time delivery. Large experience in Pipe racks, industrial buildings, storage silos, bridges.

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Expert division in manufacturing of medium and large size of hydromechanical components for hydroelectric dams such as grids, segment gates, floodgates, etc. Industrial facilities and professional team prepared for manufacturing with a high demand of quality and specifications.


"To offer products with solutions for the transformation of wood and mechanical constructions according to applicable requirements and, through the continuous improvement of its processes, to meet the needs and expectations of customers and other interested parties."


"Offering the best solutions in wood processing and mechanical constructions."


We are located in manufacturing plants:

Headquarters: Fábrica Gão

Rua Estância Velha, 1000 - Portão / RS

CEP: 93180-000


Subsidiary: New Hamburg Factory

Rua dos Eucaliptos, 100 - Novo Hamburgo / RS

CEP: 93334-160

"Solutions for Wood Transformation and Mechanical Constructions."

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